Moving the video seek bar in Xamarin UITest

Do you have videos in your app? Would you like to test the workflow surrounding your video using Xamarin UITest? Don't want to slow down your UI tests waiting for the video to play? Then just fastforward through the video play:

public class VerifyVideoCommand
        readonly IApp _app;
        readonly IWelcomeScreen _welcomeScreen;

        public VerifyVideoCommand ()
            _app = FeatureContext.Current.Get<IApp> ("App");
            _welcomeScreen = FeatureContext.Current.Get<IWelcomeScreen> (ScreenNames.WelcomeScreen);

        public void Execute ()
            //Tap the videoView to show the seekbar
            _app.WaitForElement (_welcomeScreen.VideoView, timeout: TimeConstants.TwentySeconds);
            _app.Tap (_welcomeScreen.VideoView);

            //Move the seekbar
            _app.Tap (_welcomeScreen.VideoView);
            _app.WaitForElement(_welcomeScreen.VideoSeekBar, timeout: TimeConstants.TwentySeconds);
            var slider = _app.Query (_welcomeScreen.VideoSeekBar).First ();
            _app.TapCoordinates (slider.Rect.Width, slider.Rect.CenterY);